European Publishers Council
A high-level group of Chairmen and CEOs of leading European media groups representing companies which are active in news media, television, radio, digital market places, journals, eLearning, databases and books.
We have been communicating with Europe’s legislators since 1991 on issues that affect the health and viability of journalistically-driven media and publishing companies in the European Union which uphold the freedom of expression, media diversity, and democratic debate
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Who we are
Our Values
The future of Europe’s independent media relies on informed, light-touch law-making in Europe underpinned by sound industry self-regulation to ensure that we have:
Freedom to report
Freedom to earn advertising revenue
Freedom to manage our intellectual property
Freedom to flourish along gatekeeping platforms
Freedom to compete with public service media
Freedom to regulate ourselves
Why talk to EPC?
Since 1991, the EPC has lobbied on over 250 different legislative and other proposals and directives directly or indirectly affecting the day-to-day business of the media industry – from 16 different European Commission departments, six Commission Presidents and over 35 Commissioners and their cabinets, and more than 30 European Parliamentary committees over the six terms.