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EPC Positioning on the future of audience addressability, identity and privacy in a digital world

Today’s digital life of data-driven mass communications, media and marketing throws up some fundamental and ethical questions about what kind of future internet we want, and how we can secure a rich and vibrant digital future without compromising our values, or our readers’ privacy. Building trustful relationships with our readers lies at the heart of our businesses.

With the impending retirement of third-party cookies, changes in browser technology to enhance user privacy, and the shifting nature of understanding audiences across mobile platforms, the European Publishers Council sees the urgent need for comment and action to ensure the publisher’s voice is at forefront of any major developments in audience addressability and privacy.

Publishers are a key part of the online experience today with high-quality, high-value journalism and entertainment, publishing important information and popular content for audiences online. Audiences expect to be able to access this content from publishers openly, and in a personalised way, but also in ways where their privacy can be respected.

EPC PostCookieInternet Positioning Paper
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