On 25 May, European Publishers Council (EPC) together with a group of European media organisations issued a joint statement welcoming the European Commission’s Proposal on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the proposed provisions aimed to create a fair, balanced and contestable digital market.
Angela Mills Wade, our Executive Director said: "As the European organisations representing the press and audiovisual media sector we believe it is important to promote some important common messages to the legislators in support of the DMA but also to recommend some key amendments which are key to the media sector."
The signatories impress upon the European decision makers the need to move fast and ensure that the Proposal is not watered down during the ongoing negotiation process. The joint statement outlines some specific issues that should be addressed in the DMA Proposal and recommends some amendments in order that the DMA will be a comprehensive instrument that captures and effectively addresses harmful – existing and potential future – conducts of gatekeepers.
The key issues elaborated on in the joint statement:
Scope of the Proposal
Opt-in for personal data combination
Access to data generated by intermediating between end users and business users
Audience measurement
Unfair bundling and tying of services
Self-preferencing & third-party favouritism
Fair and non-discriminatory general conditions of access
To read the whole joint statement, please see below.
For EPC's views and recommendations on the DMA Proposal, please follow this link.