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MEPs Take a Democratic Step Closer to a Fair and Sustainable Internet

The European Parliament’s JURI (Legal Affairs) committee took a democratic step closer to achieving a copyright that is fit for the digital age when it voted today in favour of the text agreed in Trilogue.

A spokesman for ENPA (European Newspaper Publishers’ Association), EMMA (European Magazine Media Association), EPC (European Publishers’ Council), and NME (News Media Europe) said: “We welcome the JURI committee’s decision and now call on the plenary to vote in support of Europe’s vital cultural and media landscape as it did by a large majority last September.

“The text, as agreed in Trilogue, would modernise copyright with a proportionate approach that does not stifle digital innovation.”

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME have published a joint statement with organisations from across the cultural and creative sector, representing authors, composers, writers, journalists, photographers and others working in all artistic fields, news agencies, book and music publishers, audiovisual and independent music producers, which calls on the European Parliament to adopt the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market quickly.

The European Parliament plenary is provisionally scheduled for the end of March.

Download the Joint Statement


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