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MEPs vote for fair, modern copyright in support of press publishing and creators throughout Europe

After two and a half years of debate and regulatory scrutiny, MEPs adopted the controversial EU copyright reform today, Tuesday, 26th May paving the way for a healthier digital ecosystem for press publishers, creators, users and platforms.

Executive Director of the European Publishers Council (EPC) Angela Mills Wade said: “This is a good day for Europe’s independent press and a good day for democracy. This copyright reform marks an important step towards supporting future investment in professional journalism and press publishing and we look forward to working with member states to secure a pragmatic and workable implementation at national level.”

Votes: 348 in favour, 274 against.

Next Steps: the directive has to be formally approved by the Council. Expected 9 April (tbc).


For further information, please contact Heidi Lambert on Tel: +44 1245 476 265



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